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Jean-Claude Bélégou movies : MY SAD ROD MOVIE 2017
Considerations on the contemporary landscape
(digital cinema and photography)
The man does not stop to imprint his mark on all that is other than him, even for himself and his own body. If there is a pest, it's him! Because he destroys not only his own soil but also all that lives there. But we do not imagine rabbits shooting at motorists because they are "pests" that crush many of them regularly. The ecological considerations of today could be quite amusing if they were not absolutely heartbreaking, whether they come from the environmentalists themselves, the politicians, the companies or the media that relay them. Each measure or new ecological vogue is, in the liberal economy, the pretext for the establishment of new markets: electric cars (powered by our nuclear power plants ... Clean energy if any ...) solar panels, so-called organic food, wind turbines, waste sorting, etc. Spending hours teaching children in schools the "eco-citizen" gesture is nothing more than conforming to a totalitarian economy and politics. Giving the citizen the illusion that something can still be done or that he can do something to remedy the ever-increasing state of damage has no other role than to accustom him to submit. The illusion that one has the will, while the whole reality is in the opposite direction.
Considerations on the contemporary landscape, My sad roadmovies is a triptych of three films:
My city, in truth turned to Le Havre, far from the bourgeois districts praised by the communication policy of the city, in the suburbs where I grew up.
Rase campaign is turned on the roads around my village, this campaign leveled as much as the cities, dedicated to intensive agriculture.
"So much" is turned on the industrial roads that serve Le Havre and the Seine Valley, its estuary ....
There would be so much to say that we can not say, that it remains only to shut up