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les voiles / The veils
le corps à corps / The flesh
la terre / The earth
les vierges / The Virgins
l'eau / The water

Jean-Claude Bélégou1985/1989 les années "Noir limite"
Noir Limite''years Cycle of elements

During the summer of 1984, jean-Claude Bélégou meets Yves Trémorin and Florence Chevallier in Arles, who soon join the association Photographies & Co, before all three of them found the group Noir Limite in 1986: manifest, exhibitions, catalogues (Flesh, The Death) performances (live printing of large size photographies). Their work is supported by Jacques Henric, Bernard Lamarche-Vadel and Jean-Claude Lemagny. This is the period when his work is more than ever marked by the shadow.
Noir Limite is disolved in April 1993.
Jean-Claude Bélégou's work then enters the most important collections of French institutions: National Library, Niepce Museum, National Fund of Contemporary Art, National Museum of Modern Art (Centre Pompidou).
Publishing and exhibitions throughout Europe, Japan, United States and South America.
In the meantime, the Niepce Museum dedicates him an exhibition in 1988 and nominates him to the Niepce Prize by Paul Jay, Jean-Claude Lemagny, and John Batho.