Better known as a visual artist who is very involved in contemporary photography (all of his work and archives entered the collections of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France in May 2023), Jean-Claude Bélégou's relationship with the moving image dates back to his early youth. In 1970/72, he participated in the working group of the Cinema Unit of the Maison de la Culture du Havre led by Vincent Pinel and Christian Zarifian, where he made a short 16 mm film and an alternative photo-novel. In 1990, the group Noir Limite collaborated with Pierre Bongiovanni at the International Center for Video Creation around the creation Corps à corps. In 2015 he created his "little stories of cinema". Directed his first digital films in 2017.
It is therefore in no way a traditional narrative cinema (in the sense of a plot that is tied and untied) but what is commonly called an artist's video or experimental film.
Cinema rather than video, if there were references to look for, they would be on the side of Chris Marker's La Jetée, the first Alain Resnais (Last Year at Marienbad, Hiroshima mon amour), Dziga Vertov, the post-68 Godards, the first Chantal Akerman (News from home for example) but also Rohmer. Or Robert Bresson.
My first digital films obeyed this concept, notably in the Three Considerations on the Contemporary Landscape consisting of long sequence shots through industrial roads and highways or, conversely, in the countryside and The Fence shot here in long pans from room to room.
For Watch the movie THE SUN WILL NOT RISE (Le soleil ne se lèvera pas) Seconde méditation philosophique autour d'un extrait cauchemardesque de l'oeuvre de David Hume : An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. Court métrage 10 minutes.
For Watch the movie ACTA FABULA EST (La pièce est jouée) À partir d'une lecture analphabète du récit que Suétone fait de la mort héroïque d'Auguste, une expérience d'obscurcissemant. Court métrage 10 minutes. // mobiles area