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Contenu 5

Jean-Claude Bélégou photography and autobiography FIRST FACES, FIRST BODIES (1989/1990)




Abysses gathers three series of photographies made before and during the work Faces-The Lovers. The first of these three different works was"first faces, first body". The serie First faces was realised over the summer 1989. This serie marked the aestetic rupture with the style of the years Noir Limite, aesthetics which was charcterised by  systematic apparatus of shooting : artificial lighting, setting, and unlimited variations of images around a particular device.. Then followed the series of the "undressing" and the "nudes" which were made beteewn the takings of Faces.

Here, Jean-Claude Belegou is coming back to natural light and setting, to faces, and in the end, to a certain kind of happiness. First faces not only because they gave birth to the serie Faces but also because of their juvenility and youthfulness.

Abysses, Black and white photographies on double-weight, fiber-based paper 50 x 60 cm printed by the artist, limited editions, delivered matted, numbered and signed.